Stand tall and make a lasting impression with The Sign Store's eye-catching Pylon and Monument signs.

Pylon Signs by the Sign Store. Pamlico Pools and Robins Financial

Make a towering statement with our Pylon Signs.

Often the first impression a customer has of your business, a well-constructed Pylon sign sends a clear message: you value your business image.

Serving as a beacon, these signs not only define your location but showcase your business name and logo, helping you stand out in crowded areas or draw attention from busy highways. Consider adding an LED message center to your Pylon sign for added visibility, and to share promotions, community events, or weather advisories.

Monument Sign by the Sign Store. Bowman Station Apartments. Channel Letters

For a touch of elegance, our Monument Signs are the perfect choice.

Ideal when a large Pylon sign isn't suitable or when you want a more sophisticated identifier for your organization. Our Monument signs are custom designed to echo the aesthetics of your business building.

Whether it's internally illuminated with push-through acrylic letters, designed with front or halo-illuminated channel letters, or externally illuminated, our Monument signs present an impressive first impression. Enhance your Monument sign with an LED message center to offer promotions, notify of community events, warn of possible adverse weather, and draw attention to your location.


Remember, a business with no sign is a sign of no business. Trust The Sign Store to create the signage that puts your business on the map.

Looking for a custom sign for your business?